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The Garlic Garden

In the spring of 2005 we made the decision to move out of the city to a small farm near Yorkton. That fall our first crop of garlic was planted.

Our market consists mainly of local consumers looking for an alternative to imported garlic. Demand has grown considerably over the years. We are doing our best to meet the needs of our customers yet remain focused on producing a quality product.

At The Garlic Garden, we believe in constantly striving to adopt management practices that will make our farm more sustainable. We consider soil health to be the most important factor in achieving this goal. As a result we continue to aim for a greater understanding of how soil systems function. Increasing the diversity of plant species grown on our farm as well as reducing tillage are just two practices used to get us a bit closer to achieving our goal.

Growing garlic is easy and enjoyable. Like so many things in life, the greater the effort you put in to it, the greater the end result will be.

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garlic garden
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