Derevo Designs

Derevo Designs - Assorted Woodwork


We are a small woodworking shop in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, right in the heart of the Canadian prairies. My name is Sean, and my wife Lindsay and I run Derevo Designs. Like many people, I got my introduction to woodworking in high school shop class. When you purchase a product from us, you are buying the end result of a story written by passion. I hand-pick many of the logs and burls we use directly from the sawyers who cut them from the forest. Some of our burl comes from as far as Australia, and takes 3 months by ocean to arrive in Canada. Each piece for sale on our site, whether a crib board, cutting board, or even a playing card holder, is made and designed by us. Each sale returns to the business and helps us grow and evolve. We become better every year, and it wouldn't be possible without the support of those who like our products enough to own one.

Learn more about our shipping and return policy here.