Greenboy Foods

Nunweiler's Flour Company - Grandma Nunweiler's Old Fashioned Pancake Mix (1kg)


97% Organic ingredients!

Since 1988 we have been milling whole grain flour without separating the bran and germ from the original kernal. We don't use additives or preservatives in our flour, simply the entire whole grain kernal, keeping all the nutrients nature intended. Our pancake and waffle mixes are made with organic whole grain flour ensuring superior quality and of course ... the great taste!

Buckwheat is not a true wheat, but a seed related more closely to rhubarb and sorrel! Therefore, buckwheat is actually gluten free! This pancake mix does contain wheat flour, however, so this product is not certified Gluten-Free.

Our ORGANIC WHOLE GRAIN Wheat Flour, is produced from Red Spring Wheat grown on the Canadian prairies. Excellent as a bread flour, but can be used for all types of baking. This flour makes heavier, full flavoured baked products. Our red spring wheat is consistently a high protein, excellent quality grain – never blended!

Nunweiler's Flour Company

You won't find additives or preservatives in our flour. You will find all the bran and germ - simply the entire whole grain kernel, keeping all the nutrients nature intended.


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