Omas 'pantre - Eats & Sweets

Oma's 'pantre - Eats & Sweets - Requench'r Syrups


Flavored, Sweet & Caffeinated for the PERFECT Summer Fruity Drink.

• Peach Mango 🍑🥭
• Strawberry 🍓

Mix 2 TBSP of Requench'r Syrup with 1 Cup of Lemonade, add Ice & ENJOY!
~ Add a Club Soda to make it into a Sparkling Requench'r.

Keep Refrigerated,
Best before 6 months from date on package.

The Requench'r Syrups contain Guarana seed powder for Caffeine, a natural slow release caffeine without any crashes or jitters!
*Each serving (2 TBSP) contains approximately 50mg of natural caffeine.
*Guarana does not dissolve completely in the syrup, make sure to SHAKE WELL for each use. These undissolved pieces are the slow release caffeine for your body to have a longer energy level.

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