Boreal Heartland- Accessing the bounty of the Boreal

Boreal Heartland- Accessing the bounty of the Boreal

Sep 07, 2022SaskMade Manager

Boreal Heartland has a vision of a sustainable, prosperous northern Saskatchewan economy based on the diversity of our boreal forest and it's people. The organization is committed to providing opportunities for northern Saskatchewan communities to prosper in a sustainable way.

"Our forests are about so much more than logging!"

- Randy Johns, 

Manager of Boreal Heartland and CEO of KCDA

Boreal Heartland’s main focus is supporting local producers and artisans in their endeavors to create value through their products through forging, processing and production of ingredients grown in the Air La Ronge area. Boreal Heartland also sells high quality, locally sourced food products across Canada and they're best known for hand-picked chanterelles, which can be purchased dehydrated for the long prairie winter months. 

The organization has three main goals:

1) Provide sustainable income opportunities in Northern Saskatchewan by showcasing the abundance and intrinsic value of boreal forest flora on a global scale. 

2) Ensure all aspects of the business promote environmental and social sustainability (including fair trade practices).

3) Provide a platform for First Nations entrepreneurs to showcase their unique knowledge and skills within their traditional territories as well as partnerships with other Indigenous peoples/nations throughout Canada and around the world

"People really love our products,” Johns said. “They love we are an Indigenous company, and they can support Indigenous companies through buying our products.”

You can find Boreal Heartland and many other products that are working to support your community at your local SaskMade Marketplace!

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